

Indonesia has a variety of special Ministry and Department regulations governing the export and import. Here are some websites that can show the regulation of the Ministry and the Department.


Indonesia National Single Window (INSW)

Indonesia National Single Window for checking the update custom duties and import licenses can be accessed on www.insw.go.id


Directorate General of Custom & Excise

Customs is an essential organization for a country, and this is reflected by Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE)in its role for Indonesia within its duties and functions to:

  • protect the community from the import of dangerous goods
  • protect particular domestic industries from unfair competition with similar foreign industries
  • carry out law enforcement at the borders related with restriction and prohibition regulation
  • collect import duty and taxes for state revenue

For more information can be accessed at : www.beacukai.go.id


The Minister of Trade of The Republic of Indonesia

For the latest information regarding the regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia can be accessed at: www.kemendag.go.id


The Minister of Industry of The Republic of Indonesia

For the latest information regarding the regulation of the Minister of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia can be accessed at: www.kemenperin.go.id


Directorate General of Post & Telecomunication

Information regarding import permit for postal and telecommunications goods can be accessed at www.postel.go.id


Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of The Republic of Indonesia

Update news from Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of The Republic of Indonesia can be accessed at www.kominfo.go.id


Ministry Finance of The Republic of Indonesia

The latest policy information from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia can be accessed in www.kemenkeu.go.id

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